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Comprehensive maintenance of accounting records

We can maintain your accounting records at our firm’s office or on your premises. Our outputs include management reports issued at requested intervals, statutory financial statements or financial statements prepared under national GAAPs, or other information used as input data for other processes (e.g. VAT return, income tax return, preparation of information for the auditors, etc).

Review of accounting records

At your request, we will conduct a review of your accounting records. The output of our review is a report describing the course of the review and any identified deficiencies. In parallel, this services includes assistance in resolving the noted issues.

Reconstruction of accounting records

At your request, we will conduct a reconstruction of your accounting records. We will also prepare financial statements for submiting to institutions.


Company info
Headquarters: KEY PARTNERS s.r.o.
 Zámocká 32
 811 00 Bratislava
OfficePodjavorinská ulica, Lučenec
 (Tesco carpark)
Contact info[@]
mobil:+ 421 904 806 170
Contact form
Name and Surname*
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